* Region is counted as any jurisdiction where you need to register and file tax returns (i.e. a US or Canadian state / province or a country outside of the US / Canada).
You can find a list of all the regions we currently service here - note that we add regions every week, so if there is one that you are looking for that is not listed, please reach out and we’ll let you know when it will be available.
A region is counted as either a state within the US or Canada where you need to register and/or file OR any country outside of the US.As an example, if you needed coverage in California and Colorado (in the US) as well as in Germany, Australia and the UK (and transactions in each region did not surpass 200 transactions / month), you would be charged for 5 regions, totaling US$500 / month.
Some jurisdiction may have registration fees which we will debit your account for. Outside of that, we have no implementation fees and no additional one-off costs.